About Us

Melbourne’s Mikael Agricola Finnish Lutheran Church operates in Victoria and Tasmania, serving the 1400 or so Finland-born residents of these states. We celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2011.
On this page you can find information about our history, relationship with the Lutheran Churches of Australia and Finland, our organisation and funding.
On this page you can find information about our history, relationship with the Lutheran Churches of Australia and Finland, our organisation and funding.
The Mikael Agricola Congregation is the oldest Finnish church in Australia, and the southernmost Finnish Lutheran congregation in the world. It was established in 1961 in the aftermath
of mass Finnish immigration into Australia. It was named after Mikael Agricola, a student of Martin Luther and the father of the Finnish language. We continue the Finnish
language ministry started by the Finnish Seamen’s Mission.
Finnish but Australian
The Finnish Lutheran Church of Melbourne is part of the Lutheran Church of Australia. We do not formally belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, which does not establish its own congregations outside Finland.
There are six other Finnish-language congregations in Australia in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Mount Isa, Perth and Sydney. Like Melbourne's Finnish church, all are members of and governed by the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA).
Australia’s Finnish Lutheran congregations are members of Suomi Conference, an organisation
established in 1971 to liaise between the LCA and Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Suomi Conference plans and co-ordinates the ministry of its member congregations, recruits Finnish-speaking ministers for service in the LCA, and is a conduit between the LCA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
There are six other Finnish-language congregations in Australia in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Mount Isa, Perth and Sydney. Like Melbourne's Finnish church, all are members of and governed by the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA).
Australia’s Finnish Lutheran congregations are members of Suomi Conference, an organisation
established in 1971 to liaise between the LCA and Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. Suomi Conference plans and co-ordinates the ministry of its member congregations, recruits Finnish-speaking ministers for service in the LCA, and is a conduit between the LCA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
Pastor in profile
Pastor Ian is married to Katy, and they have three daughters, Seraphina, Bianca and Jacinda. He was born in Helsinki, Finland, and was baptised and confirmed into the Lutheran Church of Finland. During his teens, Ian's family moved to Melbourne, where he completed his high school education.
Several years after entering the workforce, Ian and Katy established a components assembly company in Melbourne. In time, however, Ian followed his passion for theology and organ music and was ordained into the Lutheran Church of Australia in 2001. Before becoming pastor at Mikael Agricola Church and the Executive Secretary of Suomi Conference, Ian served in congregations in Maitland (South Australia), South Brisbane (Queensland) and St Johns Southgate in Melbourne.
Pastor Ian sees his role as a privilege, in being invited to minister to people in the midst of their joys and sufferings, and offering them God's overwhelming mercy and grace.
Pastor Ian's current responsibilities include ministering and oversight of Finnish speaking congregations in Australia; conducting regular 11am worship services at Mikael Agricola congregation in the Finnish Hall in Altona and Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Knoxfield, pastoral care, engaging with various groups that comprise the Finnish speaking Lutheran community, liaison with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland as well as various faith organisations in the City of Melbourne, and governance and administrative responsibilities.
Several years after entering the workforce, Ian and Katy established a components assembly company in Melbourne. In time, however, Ian followed his passion for theology and organ music and was ordained into the Lutheran Church of Australia in 2001. Before becoming pastor at Mikael Agricola Church and the Executive Secretary of Suomi Conference, Ian served in congregations in Maitland (South Australia), South Brisbane (Queensland) and St Johns Southgate in Melbourne.
Pastor Ian sees his role as a privilege, in being invited to minister to people in the midst of their joys and sufferings, and offering them God's overwhelming mercy and grace.
Pastor Ian's current responsibilities include ministering and oversight of Finnish speaking congregations in Australia; conducting regular 11am worship services at Mikael Agricola congregation in the Finnish Hall in Altona and Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Knoxfield, pastoral care, engaging with various groups that comprise the Finnish speaking Lutheran community, liaison with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland as well as various faith organisations in the City of Melbourne, and governance and administrative responsibilities.
Church Council
Our congregation is governed by a church council comprising eleven volunteer members and the Pastor. The church council sets the congregation's program of activities for the year, and is responsible for managing the financial and other affairs of the congregation.
The church is also supported by the Church Elders, who assist the Pastor in his religious duties, and the Agricola Guild that look after the catering and other practical arrangements of many church events such as celebrations and special lunches.
The church is also supported by the Church Elders, who assist the Pastor in his religious duties, and the Agricola Guild that look after the catering and other practical arrangements of many church events such as celebrations and special lunches.
Our financial well-being rests on the good will and efforts of our members. We do not receive financial assistance from the Lutheran Churches of Finland or Australia, but operate self-sufficiently.
We fund our half-time pastor and all operational expenses from donations received as offerings at church services, income generated by organising special events and the profits from our Suomi-shop. All of these activities are organised by volunteers. Some funds come from pastoral services such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Your financial support is vital for ensuring that we can continue to offer Finnish-language services and activities in Melbourne. You can make donations to our Westpac account 033195-370108 at any time.
We fund our half-time pastor and all operational expenses from donations received as offerings at church services, income generated by organising special events and the profits from our Suomi-shop. All of these activities are organised by volunteers. Some funds come from pastoral services such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Your financial support is vital for ensuring that we can continue to offer Finnish-language services and activities in Melbourne. You can make donations to our Westpac account 033195-370108 at any time.